Friday 28 February 2014

Everyone Needs Love To Live

I have written this blog to increase more knowledge about Love. Most love stories follows the path in which one boy meets one girl and they get married and live the simple life. But in some stories the love couples suffer from various tragedies.

I used to think it was a load of crap when people told me that you had to love yourself before you could ever love someone else but finally now I realized it’s very true.
Some of the happiest couples I’ve talked to have a strong sense of self. They recognize the importance of building love around the life you already have, rather than reshaping your life to fit love inside. The love has got to fill you already. No one else can – and no one else will – do it for you.
Some of the best love stories I like to study ever.


After reading these books I have learned a lot about love. Love is like air which can destroy your life or it can build your life. It depends upon you how you care for it.

         If you want learn more about love you can choose love books from any online bookstore.

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